Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Picture Books with SEL

Whenever Tess Prendergast writes a post for the ALSC blog, I sit up and take notice. Her well-thought out and well-researched insights on early literacy, preschool literature and services are always fascinating. She worked as a children’s librarian for 23 years and has a PhD in early literacy education and now teaches librarianship and children’s literature courses at The School of Information, University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, Canada. She currently facilitates the ALSC Preschool Discussion group and has served on both the Geisel (2023) and Caldecott (2016) committees.

In her most recent ALSC post, Tess writes: "Most children’s library workers have already heard of the concept called social and emotional learning (SEL). In many ways, its exact definition is self-evident: SEL is learning that seeks to address the social and emotional developmental needs of children.[1]

Among many other benefits to children’s overall literacy growth, I believe that children’s picture books present rich opportunities for practitioners to extend understanding of specific SEL concepts. Although no single picture book can fully demonstrate all the complexities of SEL, here I have selected some of my favourite, recently published picture books and linked them to the 5 dimensions of SEL which are: Self-awareness; Self-management; Responsible decision-making; Relationship skills; and Social Awareness. "

To read Tess's suggestions and resources, please click here [Reading Picture Books through a Social and Emotional Learning Lens. Prendergast, Tess. ALSC blog. January 18, 2024.]

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