Thursday, February 8, 2024

Teachingbooks Training Schedule

My apologies for the lateness of this post. This Jan 31 information got lost in my emails 😖

Chris Baker writes:

Hello library colleagues,

Jeni Schomber and I recently received an update demo regarding new TeachingBooks features presented by Mary Ellen Graf (Implementation & Training Specialist with TeachingBooks) and were impressed by a number of new options that TeachingBooks for Libraries (formerly known as Book Connections; be sure to bookmark the new URL of!) offers. There are some incredibly helpful resources for both program planning and collection development – particularly for libraries that might not be able to afford costly subscriptions to book review journals. TeachingBooks for Libraries and similarly beneficial resources are available at no cost to all libraries and residents throughout the state via our BadgerLink Online Library.

I wanted to highlight the Winter 2024 Training Schedule for BadgerLink, which includes a number of invaluable learning opportunities for library staff – so they can begin utilizing TeachingBooks for Public Libraries (among other resources) ASAP! please help us by disseminating this information widely. Libraries can learn more about the individual webinars at the aforementioned link; I'll also include webinar titles, dates, times, and registration links below (clicking the registration link will also give librarians more information):

February 2024
    • Updated Grade Level Resource GuidesTuesday, February 6, 12-12:30 PM (Register here)
    • Plan for Summer Reading with TeachingBooks for Public LibrariesTuesday, February 13, 12-12:45 PM (Register here)
    • Using TeachingBooks at the Public Library: Tuesday, February 20, 12-12:45 PM (Register here)

March 2024
    • Updated K-12 Subject Area Resource Guides: Tuesday, March 12, 12-12:30 PM (Register here)
    • Planning Public Library Programs with TeachingBooks: Tuesday, March 19, 12-12:45 PM (Register here)

Can't attend, but interested in the topic? Remind libraries that recordings will be shared with registrants and posted to the BaderLink training page! Librarians should also consider signing up for the BadgerLink Bulletin for easily accessible resource highlights, user stories, and training opportunities – sent right to their inbox.

Reminder, too, that if you don't see a particular BadgerLink resource/topic you're interested in learning more about, you can always request personalized training at any time (for your collaborative consortium, or System, or Library, etc.!), or schedule an informal chat with DPI's own Jen Champoux (BadgerLink Outreach & Training Specialist;

Chris Baker, Public Library Consultant, Library Services Team 

Department of Public Instruction 

(608) 264-6709

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