Friday, October 11, 2024

YSS Chair's Corner - September 2024

This September YSS board meeting update is from Cathy Pescinski, our YSS 2024 Chair and Teen Librarian at Shawano County Library.

Greetings from YSS! At our latest Board meeting, we started out by talking about some of the resources we use for inspiration in coming up with programming ideas and collection development. I will list some of those at the end of the article. 

Laura Sauser from WLA informed us that we have 9 performers set so far for the Performer's Showcase Tuesday, December 3rd and registration will be opening shortly. Registration is open for registrations so far for the YSS webinar, "Engaging and Affirming Neurodivergent Youth In Community Spaces: The Fellowship" scheduled for Thursday, November 14 at 3:00 p.m. (see link below to register) 

Jeni Schomber from DPI encouraged us to check out DPI presentations at the upcoming WLA conference (BEBS, Teen Internship, DPI What do the Numbers Say, Games, Learning, and Libraries) and Dr. Enderle's State of Education address in the Capitol rotunda where she discusses public libraries in addition to education in Wisconsin. (see link below) Lastly, she participated in the in-person meeting of CSLP where they voted on 2027 Slogan: Mysteries Await at Your Library and 2028 Theme: mythical creatures. She will get the codes for 2025 to the system folks for them to distribute to their consortium folks. 

Linda Jerome (YSS liaison to WLA Board) let us know that Desiree Bongers has stepped down as WLA Board president. WLA Vice President Katharine Clark was appointed to finish Desiree’s term through the end of 2024. WLA has a new membership coordinator - Pam Beam. WLA is going to be kicking off regional events in 2025. The first one will be hosted by the Bridges system with a date to be determined. If your system would be interested in hosting one, please contact the WLA Board. She attended the Connecting Libraries Meeting. It is a quarterly meeting with school librarians and media specialists. They discussed Battle of the Books. (see link below) She will be attending the Wisconsin Out of School Alliance - STEM Advisory Council.

We discussed ways to connect with YSS folks at the WLA conference in Green Bay. Final details are being firmed up and will be sent out soon. 

Lastly, election time is coming up - the fun one! Lol We are still looking for people to help fill positions on the YSS Board. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me, any YSS Board member, Laura Sauser at WLA, or Rachael Arndt on the WLA Board for more information. Nomination deadline is October 18th. (again - see link below!)


Information sources:

Engaging and Affirming Neurodivergent Youth In Community Spaces: The Fellowship Webinar:
Dr. Enderle did the State of Education address in the Capitol Rotunda:

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions, concerns, or comments about the meeting or any of the activities of the YSS Board. We are here to serve you!

[Note: Want to read the February-August 2024 YSS board minutes? YSS members (after logging in) can access the 2024 YSS board minutes as well as previous years’ minutes at the YSS page of the Wisconsin Library Association website. Do you want to read the minutes but are not a YSS member? Please consider becoming a member by joining WLA so you can stay updated on all the YSS action.] 

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