Monday, December 16, 2013

Early Literacy PreConference Photos and Ideas, Part 6

This episode of photos and commentary from the Early Literacy PreConference is from Monica LaVold in River Falls.  Thanks Monica!

In the photos of me doing the board, I am playing "little cat, little cat are you under the ____________ hat?" which is a seeking game. We talk about the kinds of hats and then guess where the cat is hiding. The kids LOVED it and we had to play it a number of times - also, you will note that I had to wear an actual hat. 

I also tried to include a few shots of the kid playing. We talk about how much benefit they get from play, and this space is great for allowing them to act out things and move around.

 I try to let them play with flannelboard pieces or crafts after we are done with the regular storytime, and I tend to get quite a few kids engaged in these activities. 

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