Monday, June 20, 2016

Will You Be a Candidate?

Are you looking for a way to give back to your colleagues, your state and WLA?  Serving on the YSS Board is an amazing opportunity to make new connections, facilitate continued learning and sharing for librarians across the state, grow through your own professional development, and volunteer your time to make WLA and youth services in our state strong and vibrant.  

Join the team that brings you the Early Literacy Calendar, 52 Weeks of Teen Programming, and fantastic webinars and conferences every year!  New ideas and talents welcome.

The YSS Board has 3 open positions to fill in 2017: Chair-Elect and 2 Directors-At-Large.  Take a look at the short descriptions of each position below and email with questions, comments or a statement of your interest in a position.  But don't delay - the deadline to hear from you is July 1 and we want YOU!

We're looking forward to working with you!

Director-At-Large (2 year term)
Attend Board meetings online and in person at WLA conferences
Help Chair with planning and executing projects throughout the year
Serve on/Chair committees, as needed
Act as ambassador for YSS and encourage membership/activity in the unit

Chair-Elect (3 year term)
Term of three years (one as Chair-Elect, one as Chair, and one as Past-Chair)
Attend Board meetings online and in person at WLA conferences
Take over for Chair if Chair is unable to compete term or is unable to attend a meeting
Help Chair with planning and executing projects throughout the year
Serve on committees, as needed

Uphold WLA bylaws, YSS Procedures/policies and oversee running of section
Call Board and Membership meetings and officiate
Make Agenda for Board and all meetings
Conduit between WLA Office and YSS Section
Appoint Committee Chairs and/or Committees and Special positions
Help Chair-Elect prepare to take Chair position
Serve on the YSS Board the year after, as Past-Chair

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