Thursday, September 15, 2016

Happy Diaper Bag

Love this idea from the Keeping Up with the Kids: IFLS Blog!

From Brandon on Flickr (creative commons)

I was up in Rice Lake the other day.  When I went into the bathroom, I was pleased to see a friendly sign saying that there is a Happy Diaper Bag at the children's desk.  For caregivers who find that their child has blown through a diaper and they forgot to reload the bag.  For people who were just going to be in the library for a MINUTE so they left their diaper bag in the car and then...well...then...  For kids who are potty trained except when they get really, really engrossed in stories or play.

Even though my kids are teenagers (and beyond!) and I am not even close to needing the happy diaper bag anymore, this sign made me feel calmer.  It was so friendly, and made me remember how anxious it can make you to be the caregiver of a young child.  Taking away this element of stress is such a terrific idea!  And makes it seem like a normal, not-so-shameful occurrence, if the library is prepared to help everyone with it.

When I talked to Janine at the children's desk about it, she says they pretty much stock the Happy Diaper Bag with donations--parents bring in the left-over diapers at the end of the pack when their kid graduates to the next size, or bring in a few outgrown pairs of pants.  An easy way to make the library more welcoming (and better smelling!).


Sarah Cournoyer said...

I am inspired!

Lisa Kuebli said...

This is so cool! I am glad my "Happy Diaper Bag" is helpful :) It may not get used that often, but it's great to have for all of those, well, mishaps.