Tuesday, March 21, 2017

YSS Retreat 2017 - A Brief Retrospective

At the end of January 2017, the YSS Board held a retreat at the Waupaca Public Library. The afternoon session was open to YSS members and we were joined by a good number of them, many who had traveled a far distance to meet with their peers in youth services and to participate in discussion and professional development. The YSS Board hopes to host more of these types of activities in the future.

Here's a brief overview of some highlights from that event:

Introductions - A round robin of introductions and a quick round of "Never Have I Ever" to break the ice.

WLA Preconference 2017 - After successful previous events, the YSS Board is busy working on this year's preconference programming.

YSS Resources - Since you are reading this, you know about the blog. However, YSS offers many other resources, too, like the YSS Powerhouse Presents series of webinars, the Early Literacy calendars, the 52 Weeks of YA Programming, and a list of useful links for librarians. You can access these items on the YSS page of the WLA website.

Peer Connections - YSS hosts socials and meetings at the WLA Conference and at WAPL each year. There are plans in the works for regional meet-ups and YSS retreats in the future.

Many wonderful ideas for additional projects and opportunities were gathered at the retreat from our membership. We'll keep you posted on these and put out calls for volunteers to help make these ideas happen. Members matter and new members are always welcome!

Remember you can reach out to any YSS Board members by email. Our names are listed in the column on the right and link to our emails.

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