Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Early Literacy Calendars for 2018

Thank you to all the members who contributed to the YSS Early Literacy Calendars over the years! These calendars were designed to give parents and caregivers ideas and daily activities to incorporate early literacy practices into their day-to-day routine.

The YSS Board decided in 2017 that since there were other early literacy calendars readily available, YSS would concentrate its efforts and volunteer-power in other areas of value to YSS members and the youth and families they serve. One such calendar can be found here from Reading is Fundamental. It is also available in Spanish. There are also a variety of activity calendars produced by Demco including early literacy, children's, teens, and adults.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

If anyone wants to use it, I've got January-February of a STEM early literacy calendar finished. I'll be sending out the next few months soon! You can see a link to it on my blog http://jeanlittlelibrary.blogspot.com/2017/12/this-week-at-library-or-recovery-time.html or you can email me for the file, jwharton@elkhorn.lib.wi.us.