Tuesday, April 3, 2018

DIY FYI: Faux Lite-Brite &/or Magnet Wall

Looking for a fun, interactive element to add to your youth area that won't take up too much space--AND won't break the bank?  

How about a faux Lite-Brite?  

Or perhaps a magnet wall is more to your liking?

The background is a steel pegboard, like you'd use in a garage or workshop.  These are available at most hardware/home improvement stores.  If you're more of an online shopper, Amazon has some at a reasonable price with a variety of color options! 

A super rad benefit to using these boards is they were built to store/display things!  You can obtain small wire baskets to hold all your goodies and adhere them right to your board! (These are also available on Amazon, if you are so inclined.)  NOTE: Depending on what you want to store, you might want to consider some sort of reinforcement/barrier...  Snazzy duct tape basket to the rescue, am I right?!

As for the "lights" for the Lite-Brite, you can use any sort of peg you'd like.  The board pictured uses neon golf tees!  The tees are somewhat long for the board, so you might want to consider trimming them down, though this isn't essential.

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What others ideas do you have for these snazzy little boards?  
Share them in the comments!

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