Wednesday, January 10, 2024

WVLS Youth Services Exchange

The Wisconsin Valley Library Service shares this recent information from their January 2023 newsletter.

YSIE Get-Togethers Continue in 2024

The first Youth Services Information Exchange (YSIE) of 2024 will be held virtually from 9 - 11 a.m. on Thursday, January 18. Resources on STEAM programs, kits, and passive programs will be shared. Attendees are asked to bring examples and ideas.

Due to staffing changes, WVLS hasn’t hosted a YSIE opportunity since late 2022. In this newsletter, WVLS Public Library Services Consultant Kristie Hauer talks about the importance of these discussion and information-sharing experiences and what to look forward to in the future.

Why is it important to continue these opportunities?
YSIE get-togethers are informal grassroots gatherings of library staff who serve youth. These collegial discussions are important to resource- and information-sharing as well as brainstorming, as participants are encouraged to share their own success stories as well as questions and advice. Learning from and sharing with our colleagues, whether virtual or in-person, can energize, inspire, and inform all who attend.

How many people do you hope will attend on January 18?
It would be great to have 10-12 youth services staff at our first get-together of the year and work together to grow it from there!

What are possible topic areas for 2024?
The first YSIE will discuss STEAM programs and resources as well as passive programs. Possible topics for future YSIEs include all ages/multigenerational programming and collection development, including collection organization. While each get-together will focus on one or two topics, there will also be time for participants to bring their own topics for discussion.

Are youth services staff from libraries outside of WVLS welcome to attend?
Absolutely! Anyone with interest or involvement in youth services is welcome to attend. There will be 3-4 YSIE get-togethers in 2024. Get-togethers will be a combination of virtual and in-person. The in-person YSIEs will showcase the host library’s spaces and services that support youth. In-person get-togethers will be held at the Granton Community Library and Minocqua Public Library in 2024.

How else can library staff who serve youth share information?
There is a WVLS Youth Services Information Exchange group on Facebook! This is another communication channel for youth services staff to post program and service ideas and resources.

Check out the latest edition of Monday Mentions for registration information for the January 18 YSIE or contact Kristie at

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