Monday, July 29, 2024

CSLP News - We Want to Hear From You

Jeni Schomber, DPI Public Library Consultant, shared the following in her DPI Youth Services Weekly Reminders and Resources newsletter on July 25.

CSLP Theme and Slogan Listening Sessions


CSLP State Reps (I represent Wisconsin!) will be voting for the 2027 Slogan and the 2028 Theme at their annual meeting in late August and I would love to hear from you. There are two opportunities for you to make your voice heard – respond via a survey or attend a Feedback Listening Session (register for one date or the other):
  • Feedback Session Option #1: Tuesday, August 13th: 12-1 p.m. Central Time  Register Here
  • Feedback Session Option #2: Thursday, August 22nd: 3-4 p.m. Central Time Register Here
  • 2027 Slogan Survey (2028 Theme survey coming soon)


In other news, the CSLP Newsletter shared a call for survey responses:

CSLP Annual Survey

CSLP has created a survey so they can better assess the usefulness of the materials offered by the program on a national level to better serve you, the CSLP membership!

The survey can be found here.
If you would like to view the survey in PDF form before completing it, you can find that here.

Who should complete this survey?
The audience for the survey is public library staff who played an active role in administering or running 2024 summer library programming. One person per library could fill it out, or multiple library staff from the same library could complete the sections of the survey most relevant to their work; e.g. children, teen, or adult programs.

* Please coordinate with your colleagues on who will fill it out, especially if you are in a multi-branch system.

* This does NOT need to be filled out by Directors. (Adult/YA/Children program overseers can complete their own portions.)


Is this survey required?
No, it is not required, but we would appreciate your input. Every library that responds helps us get a more accurate picture of overall satisfaction with the program.

I want to be prepared. What info will I need to provide?
* General feedback on using (or not) the 2024 program theme and materials;

* Feedback and info about how/whether you tracked participation, as well as stats for participation and programming for children (ages 0-11), teens (12-18) and adults.

You may skip any questions for which you don't have the answers. I suggest you wait until your summer program has ended to complete the survey\

When does the survey close?
The survey is open from now until Friday, September 13, 2024.

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