Wednesday, March 11, 2020

COVID-19 and Libraries Serving Youth

News on the coronavirus, it's spread and what to do in libraries is changing and updating everyday.

Here are two recent blog posts that concern how libraries can approach dealing with issues around the ever-changing news about the coronavirus.

A really informative and VERY practical 3/6/20 post at Adventures in Storytime (and Beyond) by a children's librarian who has a Masters in Microbiology addresses a number of issues related to youth areas including how to handle toys and their cleaning. A must-read.

The "M" Word - Marketing Libraries blog has a post from 3/11/20 suggesting ways to share info with your public if you decide to cancel or decrease programs that bring large groups together.

Facebook's Storytime Underground also has had recent, rapid and often real-time discussions of what libraries are doing around the country to address issues around COVID-19.

ALA has mounted a page on Pandemic Preparedness with resources that can be shared with your community.

Check with your county or municipal health departments and municipal  webpages for any updates to help guide you within your own community.

Please share library-related resources, listservs, blogs and FB groups that you each have found helpful. The more we share, the better prepared we all can be.

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