Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art debuts its first online exhibition!

"The Carle is proud to present ART in PLACE: Social Distancing in the Studio, our first online exhibition, organized while the Museum is temporarily closed . Illustrator and author Mo Willems co-organized the exhibition with Ellen Keiter, The Carle's chief curator, inviting 21 picture book artists, isolated in studios around the world, to share their most recent work.

In addition to the artworks they've created, the artists share photographs of their studios and reflect on the importance of creativity. The curators hope the exhibition will provide solace to everyone counting on picture books during this challenging time. "Science is going to get us out of this," says Willems, "but Art is going to get us through this."

ART in PLACE has been made possible by the generous members and donors who support The Carle."
Raúl Colón,  Love in a Time of Fear,  2020. Courtesy of the artist. ©  Raúl Colón.

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