Wednesday, July 8, 2020

WI Annual Report Summer Programming Update

There have been many questions around how we should track statistics during this time of virtual programs; remote programs, outdoor programs and etc. We know how we collected data in the past for our programs at the library but what do we do now?

In the latest WI Libraries for Everyone blog post, Tessa Michaelson Schmidt breaks it down and offers guidance to public library staff who work with youth on how to approach your data collection.

Among the things she reminds us:
"It is important to communicate in a meaningful way to your library board how you have served the community during this public health crisis by adapting services. This includes virtual storytimes, grab and go bags, interactive social media posts, phone calls to patrons, newspaper articles, community partnerships for meal and book delivery….the list goes on and on. The numerous ways in which you serve your community have never, and will never, be captured in totality on the public library annual report; there are simply too many locally specific and creative means of providing library service. Use local data to tell your library’s story year round. This is the essence of everyday advocacy--the best insurance policy to invest in."

Telling Your Story
"We anticipate seeing a decline in hours and weeks open to the public, program numbers and program attendance, circulation of traditional materials, and public computer use in Wisconsin public libraries. Rather than focus on what is out of your control, communicate what you are doing and the impact it is having.  Be specific and share examples of patron interactions and patron feedback. Whether it was helping someone get a printed document in the nick of time or providing hand-selected titles for an avid reader stuck at home, or the thank you notes from your virtual storytime fans or the caregivers grateful for your grab and go kits, you are making a difference. Telling your story to your community and being available to serve them is the most important thing you can do right now."

Stop here to read about important links and specific guidance on data collection from grab and go bags; online programming and more.

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