Thursday, March 19, 2020

More Information About Data Collection for Virtual Programs

Please note the following additional information in reference to the following post:

"When thinking about quantifying your library’s efforts to provide programming virtually - whether that be livestreaming on social media, recording programs and posting the recording to a video sharing website, or some other method for connecting with your library users - be sure you are tracking that attendance in a way that is meaningful to your library.

For the Wisconsin Public Library Annual Report, it is important to remember if you are providing virtual programming for your users you may only include livestreaming views and live interactions with programs in the Programs and Program Attendance Annual Count portion of the annual report. Views of program recordings (after the fact) are not counted on the annual report, though you are encouraged to share those numbers with your library board if you track them.

We have made extensive resources available in the Wisconsin Public Library Annual Report Instructions Library Programs section to help you determine the difference between what counts as a program and program attendance and what is something you may be interested in counting locally to help quantify your local efforts but is not reported on the annual report.

We anticipate seeing a decline in hours and weeks open to the public, program numbers and program attendance, circulation of traditional materials, and public computer use in Wisconsin public libraries. It is more important that you can communicate in a meaningful way to your library board and your community your efforts to serve them during a public health crisis by discussing the ways your service has adapted to meet users where they are. Telling your story to your community and being available to serve them is the most important thing you can do right now."

Looking for more information?

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