Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Creating Community Fun - Family Trivia Night

Here is another in our series of great programs created by WI libraries! In the newest October 2020 WVLS (Wisconsin Valley Library Service) newsletter, the clever folks at Rib Lake Library shared a fun and successful program that would be perfect to do as weather gets colder and we turn to providing virtual family fun.

"Seeing the need to connect with patrons, the Rib Lake Public Library has hosted three online Trivia Nights for families over the last several months. 

The library coordinates this program via BlueJeans, a video conferencing software made available to all WVLS member libraries via a statewide grant. 

Director Tammie Blomberg said the first Trivia Night they did was just for staff and family, so they could practice and do a trial run. This helped the library figure out what to change or fix for the next one. Tammie runs a PowerPoint presentation on the screen with questions and answers, and teams track their own score on an honor system.  Teams have one minute to answer each question. The prize for the initial programs was a book on Greek mythology. 

The latest Trivia Night had four teams, with the winning team scoring 51 points out of 66.  The families ranged from early elementary students to adults. One family had 2 teams with a brother and sister competing against each other.  The prize was an illustrated Harry Potter coffee table type book that was given to the library as a donation. Tammie said the feedback on Trivia Night has been positive. 

I play instrumental music during the breaks while families are choosing their answers,” she said. “Krista, Rib Lake Public Library Children’s Librarian, watches the chat window in BlueJeans and fields questions. Families really like the local questions in the myths and legends version, so we may do more with that going forward. Some families choose to be on webcam, and others do not. For more information on Rib Lake’s Trivia Night, email director Tammie Blomberg  or  call 715-427-5769."

The Rib Lake Library shares with us the questions they used for myths and legends  in this powerpoint!

Creating Community Fun YSS blog COVID-19 series

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