Thursday, May 26, 2022

Virtual Variety: Jackbox Games!

Lindy Liedl from the Rice Lake Public Library returns with her monthly column on all things virtual to help you connect with your patrons!

Virtual or in person, Jackbox Games are a crowd-pleaser! Available on PC, Xbox, Playstation, and Switch, each pack comes with a set of games that a group can play together. It doesn’t really matter which pack you start with, but the newer ones might be more recognizable to your teens since they’ve likely watched their favorite live streamers play them.

Start by purchasing your Jackbox Games pack(s). For a group to play, only one person needs to own a pack. From here, look up some videos, or grab some family and friends with smartphones and take a test run! Start up your game pack and have each player open up “Jackbox.TV” in an internet browser on a phone or tablet. Most importantly for library programs, you’ll want to open Settings and choose “family friendly” mode. Be warned: Most of the games in each pack require at least 3 players, so you might have to join in if you have a small group to start with. Teens usually like it if you play along anyway!

Images from

To play virtually, you can use any service that provides screen-sharing so that the players can see your base game. (Discord, Zoom, Google Meet, etc.) Once your game is loaded up, it will provide a private room code for players to enter on “Jackbox.TV” so that you can play together. Then tap “Everybody’s In!” when you’re ready to play. A sarcastic narrator walks everyone through the rules if it’s your first time playing, so hosting is very low-pressure. To play in-person, open the game on a laptop and project onto a wall for everyone, or play in your gaming space over a console while players use their personal devices.

 A favorite pack of our teens is Party Pack 7. The games in this pack are a pretty good mix for a group just getting to know each other. Only two of the games require direct communication between players–So less being put on the spot right away–but they’re all hilarious and get everyone chatting and laughing in no time.

Happy Gaming!

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