Friday, May 5, 2023

Fun Fridays - Coding Fun for Girls

Meet our new YSS Shout-out blogger, Jamie Mercer. Jamie is the Head of Youth Services Head of Youth Services at W.J. Niederkorn (Port Washington) Library and will be putting some extra fun in Fridays with easy and/or FREE programming ideas/tips. 

In February, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the annual WEMTA conference.  It was at this conference that I learned about the amazing organization Women in Technology Wisconsin Inc. and their WIT4Girls program.   

If you’ve ever feared running a coding program because you may feel you don’t have enough background knowledge or you don’t have the equipment.  This may be an option for you.   

Provided you have computers with a USB port (and this may be a lab type scenario where you reserve lab space and time at your library or if you have in-house laptops you can reserve, or perhaps a mobile lab you can check out from your system), the WIT4Girls team can bring Adafruit devices and run a one-hour coding program for your library for free utilizing the Adafruit device and  It’s super fun, even as an adult, to get your device to change colors, shake, and play music.  

Working with the organization was so easy and setting up the program was so easy.  I highly recommend getting in contact with an agency in your area.  

Northeast Wisconsin: Amy Bires and Amy Jaeckel 

Southeast Wisconsin: Tracy Mueller and Kate Campbell 

Southcentral Wisconsin: Lisa McDonough 

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