Thursday, May 4, 2023

Virtual Variety: Fandoms to Programs

Lindy Liedl from the Rice Lake Public Library returns with her monthly column on all things virtual to help you connect with your teen patrons!

Harry Potter Christmas (for teens): Balloon “Quidditch” and photo booth wall

If you needed another reason to make a Discord server for your library teens (or adults!) here you go: It’s a great way to get program ideas to flesh out your summer calendar. Getting insight into what your patrons are currently into can be a struggle…unless you have a platform where they all chat about their interests and share artwork inspired by their favorite media! But, if you don't have Discord, ask some parents what their kids love playing or watching right now. Ask your middle-schoolers on a school visit what the biggest fandoms in the school are currently. Chat with your teens when you see them, and then...

Throw a party!

We’ve had success, and newcomers of all ages show up for themed parties, like Doctor Who, Harry Potter Christmas, Minecraft, aliens, Pokemon, dinosaurs, Star Wars, and more that I can’t remember. Being familiar with a fandom isn’t necessary at all. Especially when you have teens on Discord you can ask to suggest crafts or favorite aspects of a show/series. Folks really just want a space to bond over something they all enjoy.

Minecraft Party (all ages): Bean bag toss

Doctor Who Party (teens): Craft tables and photo booth wall. Jeopardy trivia created by
my coworker, Riley on the projector screen for a post-crafting activity.


My favorite party blueprint:

· Minimal themed decor to spruce up the space

o Theme-colored table covers, balloons, printed signs, wall backdrops, funny food labels

· 2-3 crafts and printables they can take home, like bookmarks

o Printed instructions, or self-serve crafts, so that staff isn’t limited to helping in only one area the whole time

· 1-2 physical or alternate activities for the non-crafty crowd

o Lego, photo backdrop wall, object-toss game

· Themed snacks and a beverage

o 1 sweet treat, and 2-3 savory snacks and fruit

o Kids present? Maybe pre-dish items so everything isn’t getting touched while you’re not looking. (lol That’s inevitable)

· A themed playlist on speaker!

· A cart of library materials for them to check out

· Trivia with prizes, if you think hardcore fans will come

"Professor Sprout's Veggie Garden" "Sonic Screwdrivers" "Hufflepuffs"
Themed food can be very simple and hilarious that way. Check Pinterest!

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