Sunday, February 11, 2024

Remake Learning Days - Share YOUR STEM Library Events

I’m reaching out today with news that Remake Learning Days: Badgerland is back again this Spring:  April 20-28, 2024.   Once again, would love your advice, participation or a shout out to extend this invite to Youth Librarians. 

We’re hoping that we can feature more library programs and resources this year, so am sending this with that in mind.  And, if it is of interest to your colleagues, in addition to the learning themes of: Arts, Maker, Outdoor Learning, Science and Technology, we are also featuring programs that support Youth Voice. (especially this year!)


Attached are organizational invites, along with this general invite blogpost


For folks who are curious or want to know more, check out these resources:

·        Invitation to Join –

·        Submit your Programs and Ideas Here -

·        FAQs & Step-by-Step Guide for Event Hosts -

·        Find out more at


and of course I am happy to have folks reach out to me directly.


I remain committed to the belief that our libraries are one of the best community resources for youth programming and they have SO much to share!  We want to shine some positive light on that around the State.


Stay well -- Kathe

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