Thursday, September 5, 2024

What Youth Services Staff Want Directors to Know

Recently Jennifer Sullivan, who blogs at Adventures in Storytime (and Beyond), published the first part of her survey results on what youth librarians are thinking - and feeling about their jobs which we shared on the blog. Burn-out was a major finding.

She has now published the second part of her results. These examine what youth librarians want their directors and administration to understand about youth work. 

Jennifer writes: "Youth services librarians and staff everywhere are struggling with excessive workloads, unrealistic expectations, vocational awe, understaffing, and a public that is more demanding and less civil. We are often overworked, underpaid, and underappreciated, leading to burnout and many leaving, or considering leaving, the field. If this trend continues, it will seriously impact the quality of library services for youth and families and the library's ability to meet community needs, undermining public perception of the continued relevance of the public library."

To read the fascinating results, please click here. [What Youth Services Staff Want Higher-Ups to Kno - Survey Results Part 2 Sullivan, Jennifer. Adventures in Storytimes (and Beyond). August 18, 2024.]

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