Monday, April 30, 2012

Wisconsin Children's Book Award--the Countdown Is On!

Thanks to the chair of the Wisconsin Children's Book Award Committee, Ruhama Kordatsky, for keeping us up to date on the committee's deliberations!  Watch for their final decisions in late May or early June!

So what's the title list down to now? 
We're down to 20 titles.  We started with over 60, so we've winnowed it down quite a bit!

What happens next?
This next meeting doesn't eliminate any more, so now we argue the merits of each book. If someone has a favorite, this is the time to present why it's an award winner! After we spend some time defending or dismissing, the vote happens. Then we take a small breather and then decide on the Notable Author/Illustrator.

 Tell me more about the Notable Author/Illustrator.
The Notable Author/Illustrator award is for any author with significant ties to Wisconsin with a significant body of work. We give the award based on his or her lifetime, rather than just one or two titles. Each committee member takes an author and does a mini booktalk/presentation for the group, explaining why that author could be granted the award. Once we decide, the rest of the names go back into the pool for next year. In fact, if anyone has suggestions for authors that should be considered, please let us know! We'd be happen to entertain suggestions. Contact me at rjkordatzky @  The past winners can be found here

Overall, how much time have you spent reading for this committee?
This ranges from person to person and is different every year, depending on what gets published--both the number of titles, and the number of longer vs. shorter books. One committee member estimated 33 hours by the end. Another said between 40 and 50. We take some time before the first two meetings to read, too, especially titles we haven't been able to find at our locations--hence we meet at the Cooperative Children's Book Center.

Thanks to the committee for doing all that reading!  Having served on this committee before, I know what it can be like having your reading list already chosen, but we appreciate their hard work!

 Photo credit:  By KOMUnews

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