Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Programs Inside the Box, Vol. 2: Giant Angry Birds

Looking for a fun STEM program for those warm weather months?  
Why not give Giant Angry Birds a shot? *ba-dum-tssss*

What you'll need:

  • Boxes, boxes, and more boxes!  What's nice about this particular box program is that any size box will do and having a variety of sizes and shapes will make the game more interesting!
  • Balls, balloons, or stuffed animals to act as both your piggies and your Angry Birds.  If you opt for balls or balloons, consider adding faces!
  • Your choice of sling shot/projectile device.  When we held this program, we did so outside, allowing us to put sign posts into the ground and wrap bungee cords around them.  Our basket?  A section of pants leg, cut off a pair of jeans that no longer fit.  Another option that doesn't involve poking things into the ground?  Use a towel or blanket and encourage the kids to work together to launch the birds.

Before beginning, discuss with the kids the physics involved with the game.  This is also a great opportunity to show off some of the fabulous books in your collection!

Now, it's time to play!  You can come up with rules and points, if you like, or embrace a free-form, we-all-work-together approach.  Go with whatever works best for you and your patrons!

Fair warning: some folks might become frustrated.  It's not as simple as pulling your finger across the screen and letting go.  There will definitely be some trial-and-error involved.  BUT!  Once they have it, they'll be off and running and having a blast!

One concern you may have--I know I did!--is likely this: How many times will I have to reset this wall o' piggies?!  Chances are, you won't have to, excluding the initial program set up!  The kids had a blast running back and forth, creating new obstacles and layouts, then demolishing them with playground balls.  (Plus, more STEM fun...building!  Woo!)

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