Monday, August 24, 2020

Creating Community Fun - Tie-Dye Masks

Sarah Kyrie, Library Director at the Argyle (WI) Public Library shared this fun program that really engaged their community.

Just a shout out in case you are thinking of programming now,  that we had a hugely successful program at the Argyle Farmer's Market this past weekend.  It was our first program (besides storywalks) since March.  The Lafayette County Health Department donated cloth masks and we made a natural indigo dye to color them.  We had about 60 people tie-dye masks (as well as a bunch I made as demonstrations that I will continue to pass out at the library). 

I was also surprised at how many people gave financial donations. . .  I kept reiterating that it was a free library program but they just kept giving bills until I finally put out a can for it!  It was a beautiful illustration of how grateful people are for a library in their community, even if they weren't necessarily folks I see in the library very frequently.

A 5-gallon bucket of dye is a lot though, so when I returned home the neighbors and I continued to tie-dye whatever white we could find in our house all afternoon!  (Librarian perk!) 

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