Thursday, June 25, 2020

Many Children's Book COVID-19 Publisher Permissions Extended

Image by Comfreak from Pixabay 

Many of us are aware of publisher permissions that were relaxed at the beginning of the pandemic to allow youth library staff to share copyrighted material on virtual platforms. Many of these permissions were due to expire on June 30.  However some publishers have extended those permissions further into the summer.

The following publishers are involved in extending their permissions:

A big thanks to our DPI state youth consultant Tessa Michaelson Schmidt for the heads up on this!

School Library Journal also continues to update their SLJ COVID-19 Publisher Information google doc as they hear from publishers about permissions. This invaluable resource contains each publisher's information and requirements for their limited-term permissions.

You can read more about fair use, citing publishers, authors and illustrators when using their books in virtual programs and more in the Copyright Considerations section of ALSC's new (and free) Virtual Storytime Services Guide published this month. You can also access the previous blog posts listed below for further information on these subjects and blog post guidance on doing virtual storytimes.

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