Monday, September 27, 2021

Clean-up on Aisles Programming and Services

I'll always been interested in the concept of planning and sustainability in programming and services as well as our approach to them. Often services or program series, once started, keep on rolling, month after month, year after year, until they slowly, well...poop out.

This can happen to any of us. Perhaps, the workload is so intense or staffing so inadequate that it feels overwhelming to make any changes. It could be that a vocal patron wants the program/service to continue despite the fact that it serves only them. It may be that we LOVE that program or service we came up with and are loathe to see it end. You know how this goes.

Recently, Liza Purdy over at the ALSC blog suggested we approach service/program changes started during the pandemic in the spirit of Marie Kondo. What should stay? What should go? What should we change and adapt?

To read this post, stop here.

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