Sunday, November 19, 2023

Say My Name

Maria Trivisonno asks us to consider the importance of learning and saying children's names in our work with them. She also feels it's equally important to recognize that each name is precious to children and that we need to learn names and pronounce them correctly. 

She writes "Most youth librarians can attest to the benefits that arise when you learn the names of their young customers.  When I greet children by name, they are often surprised initially surprised that I know them. The next reaction is to smile. This simple gesture gives young patrons actual proof that we are committed to their well-being…that we care.  In my experience, it makes any behavioral issues I must address easier—they more fully believe I have their interests in mind."

Maria includes a list of recent books that address the issue of pronouncing kids'  names correctly.

You can read the full post and booklist here. [Hello! My Name is... Trivisonno, Maria. ALSC blog. October 23, 2023.]              

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