Wednesday, July 24, 2024

UW Madison iSchool Fall Youth Library CE Courses

There are some great online courses coming up this fall with great instructors. These courses are taught asynchronously which means you pick the time each week to access the course and discussions that best fits your schedule!

Registering at least two weeks before the courses begin gets you a 10% discount.  Click on the course title to get the details.

Roll with It...Gaming in Libraries        
    August 5 - Sept 1         Dusty Karls               $165         (4 weeks)

August 5 - Sept 1           Sarah  French             $165         (4 weeks)

Sept 16 - Oct 13            Adrienne Pettinelli     $165         (4 weeks)

Youth Services 101        
Oct 7 - Dec 1                Brooke Newberry        $360     (8 weeks)

Nov 11 - Dec 8                Katelyn Martens-Rodriguez      $165      (4 weeks)

Plus there are many great additional courses. Stop here to see the full schedule of fall online courses for library staff.

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