Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Virtual & Remote Programming for Teens and & Tweens: The Webinar

Going the Distance: Library Programs for Teens and Tweens

Fri, May 8, 2020 
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT

Providing programs for teens & tweens during 2020 requires ingenuity, creativity, flexibility, and good-natured courage.  You are invited to attend this webinar to learn about innovative programs that allow teens and tweens to safely connect with the library & each other during unheralded times. Get ready to rethink what you thought you knew about programming and prepare to absorb and share inspiration with your colleagues.  Katherine Schoofs of the Aram Public Library in Delavan will guide us through uncharted waters and inspire us to think about traditional programming in very UNtraditional ways to support regularly scheduled programs and the upcoming 2020 Summer Library Program.  So buckle up, buttercup -- we’re about to have a boatload of fun. 

Here is the link to the archived webinar plus additional resources from Katherine!

Links to YSS COVID-19 series:
Online Storytimes
SLP & Programming Resources
Re-Opening and Safety Issues
We’re Re-opening – Coping with Reluctant Patrons and Programming 6/1/20
Permissions (Books, Authors and Music)
      Music Permissions? Look No Further  3/27/20; updated 3/31/20
Professional Development
Kids Resources
WI Online Program Data
Friday FAQs with Tessa Michaelson Schmidt
4/10/20 recording       4/17/20 recording          4/24/20 recording        5/1/20 recording               5/8/20 recording
Taking Care of You 


  1. Hi there! Do you know if there is/will be a recording of this webinar? I'd love to see what ideas were generated. Thanks :)

  2. Hello!

    Yes, there will be a recording released! We'll post it here on the YSS blog when it's available. :)

  3. Oh, awesome, thanks so much, really looking forward to checking out ever since I read about it on Storytime Underground :)
